Reports Disclaimer

Garwood Estate Agents (“we, us”) have arranged for the preparation of certain reports, including pest, building and/or strata reports (“Reports”) on the basis that:

1. We make no representation, warranty or guarantee, that the information contained in the Reports or provided by third parties in relation to the Reports (“Information”), is complete or accurate. The Information has been obtained from third parties and has not been independently verified. Accordingly, no warranty, representation or undertaking, whether express or implied, is made and no responsibility is accepted by us as to the accuracy of any part of this, or any further information supplied by or on our behalf, whether orally or in writing.

2. Any Information does not and will not form part of any contract of sale for the property. If an interested party makes an offer or signs a contract for the property, the only information, representations and warranties upon which you will be entitled to rely will be as expressly set out in such a contract.

3. The Information does not constitute, and should not be considered as, a recommendation in relation to the purchase of the property or a solicitation or offer to sell the property or a contract of sale for the property. You should satisfy yourself as to the accuracy and completeness of the Information through your own inspections, surveys, enquiries, and searches by your own independent consultants, and we recommend that you obtain independent legal, financial and taxation advice.

4. Interested parties will be responsible for meeting their own costs of participating in the sale process for the property. We will not be liable to compensate any intending purchasers for any costs or expenses incurred in reviewing, investigating or analysing any Information. We accept no responsibility or liability to any other party who might use or rely upon any Information in whole or in part.

5. We will not be liable to you (to the full extent permitted by law) for any liabilities, costs or expenses incurred in connection with the Information or your reliance on such information whatsoever, whether the loss or damage arises in connection with any negligence, default or lack of care on our part.

6. To the extent that any of the above paragraphs may be construed as being a contravention of any law of the State or the Commonwealth, such paragraphs should be read down, severed or both as the case may require and the remaining paragraphs shall continue to have full force and effect.

7. You agree not to reproduce, transmit or otherwise make available to any other person, the Reports in whole or in part without our prior written consent.
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